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Getting accounting and CFO services for cannabis was a challenge for people. Our platform has come out to provide an affordable solution for you. The industry needs expertise and experience to ensure that your business grows. Our ideas and consultation will ensure that you find a path that can take you a long way. We find out every possibility that has the power to discover your full potential. Getting consultation services from our platform for your cannabis business will give you an edge in making better decisions. Also, we deliver you advice and consultation that will keep you within the boundaries of government regulations and still make your business grow.   

A cannabis business lies on a fragile line between state legality and federal. Without any funding or protection from the government, you must have an excellent management team. A competent CFO is detrimental to the success of your cannabis business.

An outsourced CFO performs all the functions of a full-time employee, like providing financial expertise and strategizing plans, bookkeeping and accounting, forecasting, monthly budgeting vs. analysis, annual tax filing, audits, and performing due diligence. In short, we will help you set and achieve your desired numbers.

Cannabis is a volatile business, and you need industry experts to help you manage the ever-evolving regulations. Hiring an expert has many benefits, especially when you get a solid team like our professionals at Integrated Financial Services. They allow you to make critical business decisions based on real numbers.